Following the introduction of a duty of quality through the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020, the way we report on quality annually has changed.
Moving forward the Health Board, along with other Local Health Boards and NHS Trusts in Wales is required to publish an annual quality report on the steps it has taken to comply with the duty to exercise its functions with a view to securing improvement in the quality of health services. The report must include an assessment of the extent of any improvement in outcomes achieved by virtue of those steps.
The annual quality report should be prepared as soon as practicable after the end of each financial year. To streamline reporting requirements and reduce duplication, it is suggested that NHS bodies align the annual quality report to their Annual Report and Accounts process.
The Health Board will begin to plan and prepare for the new way of reporting, once we have received the further guidance from Welsh Government as to the reporting framework and its exact requirements.
The previous Health Boards Annual Quality Statements can be accessed via the following links:
Annual Quality Statement 2019/20
Annual Quality Statement 2018/19
Annual Quality Statement 2017/18
Annual Quality Statement 2017/18 - Addendum
Annual Quality Statement 2016/17
Annual Quality Statement 2015/16
Annual Quality Statement 2015/16 - Technical Document
Annual Quality Statement 2014/15
Annual Quality Statement 2014/15 - Technical Document
Annual Quality Statement 2013/14