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Committees and Advisory Groups

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is committed to openness and transparency, and conducts as much of its business as possible in a session that members of the public are normally welcome to attend and observe. However, in light of the current advice and guidance in relation to COVID-19 we made the decision in March 2020 in the best interests of protecting the public, our staff and Board members to no longer convene or gather in groups for meetings. We have since been holding our Committee meetings virtually, continuing to publish our papers in advance

BCUHB Committee Structure - available here

Corporate Calendar of Meetings 2024-25 - available here

Corporate Calendar of Meetings 2025-26 - available here

Should you wish to submit a written question ahead of a Committee meeting via , a response will be provided within 7 days of the meeting taking place.

Details of various meetings including papers can be accessed via the following links, published a week in advance: 

Board Committees



Board Advisory Groups



Archived Committees