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Equality and Human Rights Reports

This page contains a number of reports produced by the Health Board, relating to Equality and Human Rights.

Annual Equality Reports

Every year the Health Board produces an Equality Annual Report. Please see the links below:

Workforce Equality Information and Analysis Reports

Gathering and using evidence is at the heart of the Equality Duties and is part of the process in achieving greater equality. The Health Board recognises it is essential to have a clear picture and evidence base of how we are performing on equality, measuring where individuals or groups, on the basis of their protected characteristics, do not currently experience fair treatment.

The reports are available in a range of alternative formats and community languages upon request by contacting:

Patient Advice and Liaison Service


Telephone: 03000 851234

All of our previous employment and pay reports are available on request. Please return to the main Equality and Human Rights page to find our contact details.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting


The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 set out the requirements for organisations with more than 250 employees to calculate and publish their gender pay gap information. Greater transparency in pay gap reporting is designed to help organisations better understand the issues that give rise to, and sustain gaps in average pay between men and women, and to encourage organisations to take steps to tackle them.

All figures are based upon data taken from the NHS ESR (Electronic Staff Record) payroll systems as at the snapshot date (31st March).

The Gender Pay Gap reports contain the following:-