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Equality and Human Rights Networks

North Wales Public Sector Equality Network

The North Wales Public Sector Equality Network (NWPSEN) is an informal network of partners working together to advance equality. Public sector representation includes: North Wales Local Authorities, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, North Wales Police and Police Authority, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust and Snowdonia National Parks Authority. NWPSEN maintain awareness of priorities identified by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, facilitate engagement with a range of individuals including those representing people with protected characteristics and produce a range of good practice guides to inform public sector organisations across North Wales. 

The North Wales Public Sector Equality Network (NWPSEN) held a Stakeholder Engagement Event on 24th May 2018: Stakeholder Engagement Event Report 24 May 2018.

Equality Stakeholder Group

Our Equality Stakeholder Group Network (ESG) meets quarterly, and comprises of individuals and groups representing people who share protected characteristics and  communities of interest. Our ESG members come from different backgrounds and share their lived experiences to help inform and scrutinise our progress against the Health Boards Equality Objectives and support the Health Board to formulate solutions.

For more details or if you are interested in attending this meeting, or wish to add items to the agenda, please contact the Equality and Human Rights team.

Dates of Meetings

For more details or if you are interested in attending this meeting, or wish to add items to the agenda, please contact the please contact the Equality and Human Rights team by returning to the main Equality and Human Rights page. 

BCUnity - Ethnic Minority and Overseas Staff Network

As an organisation we are committed to striving to promote equality, diversity and inclusion - both as a place to work and in the delivery of services.

Our staff population, and our communities, are comprised of people from many different cultures and backgrounds, and want our policies and practices to reflect that. We want our workplaces to be places where staff feel safe, welcomed and listened to and  as an organisation we are working to strengthen our ongoing engagement. Part of this work includes the further development and promotion of staff networks in order to ensure that all staff have the opportunity to have their voice heard in the organisation.

This network has been established by staff from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic backgrounds with the aim of providing a forum for staff who identify as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic to share their views and experiences with the wider organisation, and contribute to the continued development of an informed and inclusive organisation.

The Network aims to:

  • Provide confidential and peer support for Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic and Overseas staff
  • Support Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic and Overseas staff develop their skills and careers
  • Raise awareness of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic and Overseas staff issues in the workplace
  • Help advise the organisation on policy and practice

RespectAbility Staff Network

According to the WHO World Report on Disability, 15 per cent of the world’s population, or more than 1 billion people, are living with disability. Of this number, it is estimated that 450 million are living with a mental or neurological condition.

The global crisis of COVID-19 has deepened pre-existing inequalities, exposing the extent of exclusion and highlighting that work on disability inclusion is imperative. People with disabilities are one of the most excluded groups in our society and are among the hardest hit in this crisis in terms of fatalities.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, isolation, disconnect, disrupted routines and diminished services have greatly affected the lives and mental well-being of disabled people right around the world.

We have a Strategic Equality Plan to ensure that we keep moving forward and making progress towards our Equality objectives. Equality Objective 6 states that we will increase engagement with individuals and groups sharing different protected characteristics in North Wales. Objective 8 states that we will develop an inclusive culture. As part of our plan to do this, we have facilitated the establishment of a network for staff living with a condition that affects their day to day lives. The network is called the RespectAbility staff network.

This network aims to:

  • Celebrate the achievements of staff with conditions that affect their day to day lives
  • Provide confidential and peer support for network members
  • Support network members develop their skills and careers
  • Raise awareness of disability issues in the workplace
  • Help advise the organisation on policy and practice

Undertake projects and activities to highlight and address issues affecting staff with life affecting conditions.

The BCUHB GEN - Gender Equality Network

The BCUHB GEN was established in March 2021 and aims to:

  • Provide a welcoming open forum where all staff members can share experiences, ideas and knowledge, offer mutual support in a safe and supportive environment
  • Promote a positive working environment for all members of staff, free from sexual discrimination, harassment and victimisation 
  • Promote gender equality as part of an equal society
  • Celebrate the contributions of all colleagues to the health board and the people of North Wales
  • Promote equal opportunities for all
  • To offer informal advice and support to employees in relation to gender issues
  • To positively influence policy development and procedures to promote inclusive practice across the workforce and for patients
  • To promote and identify projects / initiatives/ campaigns  that improve awareness of issues specifically affecting people of all genders.
  • Network with partner organisations to share best practice and learning
  • Provide a pathway of support and assistance to staff in the workplace and facilitate a forum to discuss and raise awareness of issues affecting people of all genders
  • Support BCUHB in its gender equality work.

Celtic Pride: North Wales Health Sector LGBT+ Staff Network

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and other NHS organisations have worked together in North Wales to create an inclusive employee network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) staff, which is called Celtic Pride.

The network's aims are to:

  • Provide confidential and peer support for all staff (including reporting of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and harassment)
  • Support LGBT Staff develop their skills and careers
  • Raise awareness of LGBT issues in the workplace
  • Help advise the organisations on policy and practice 

If you are interested and for more information on how you can get involved and help make a difference contact in confidence. We welcome interest from staff and those who do not work for NHS organisations from all backgrounds across North Wales.

For the latest news and updates, you can find us on Facebook at: Celtic Pride and Twitter: @BCUCelticPride