If your organisation or company wants to support its staff to get health and wellbeing advice we might be able to help you with our Bite Sized Health initiative.
We currently offer Bite Sized Health programmes in both the workplace and in community settings.
What is Bite Sized Health?
Bite Sized Health sessions provide support and information including:
- Blood pressure checks
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Health screening
- Smoking cessation
- Alcohol and substance misuse
- Carers information
- Active lifestyle
- Healthy eating
- Diabetes
Why get involved in Bite Sized Health?
The events can support people to:
- Improve their health and wellbeing
- Identify opportunities to take steps before health problems worsen, or by preventing health problems from occurring in the first place
- Talk to people about their own health who don’t normally engage with health services
- Find out about ways to reduce levels of depression and anxiety which may help employers reduce days lost to sickness
How to arrange a Bite Sized Health event
If your company or organisation are interested in hosting an event please contact a member of our engagement team or email bcu.bitesizedhealth@wales.nhs.uk.