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Protection against measles, mumps and rubella

The MMR vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine that protects against measles, mumps and rubella

A full course (two doses) is required for full protection, which can prevent over 99% of measles cases.  A large proportion of the population (over 95%) need to be fully vaccinated to prevent outbreaks within the community.

For the best protection, it is important that the MMR vaccine is given on time. The first dose should be given to your child at 12 months old, and the second at three years and four months. But you can still catch-up if you miss any doses.


If you think you have missed an MMR vaccine

If you think you or your child may have missed an MMR vaccine please check your vaccination record (in the red book), or contact your GP surgery or health visitor for advice.

Our teams are reviewing records and will invite children to catch up with any outstanding vaccinations. If we contact you with an invitation to catch up with a missed dose of the MMR or any other vaccine, please make sure take up the opportunity to boost your child's immunity. School nurses or our school immunisation teams may also offer older children the chance to catch up with missed MMR vaccines if their record is incomplete. 



Lois Cernyw with Dr Sian Owen

Lois Cernyw talks to Dr Sian Owen, an associate specialist in community paediatrics and lead doctor for immunisation at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

Lois asks the questions that can go through a parent's mind before taking their child for the MMR vaccination.

Filmed in 2020.

🔵 More information about other vaccinations for pre-school children and our routine vaccination schedule.



About measles, mumps and rubella