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Annual Plan
The Board’s Annual Plan sets out the key priorities for the Health Board.
Annual Quality Statements
All Health Boards and Trusts in Wales are required to produce an Annual Quality Statement. Its focus as suggested by its title is on the Quality Agenda.
Annual Governance Statements
The purpose of the Annual Governance Statement is to provide assurance regarding the Health Board's governance arrangements.
Annual Plan of Board Business
The Health Board produces a schedule of planned business for its cycle of Board Meetings. Whilst the agenda for Board Meetings are dynamic, the Annual Plan provides a high level overview of the scheduled business that is likely to be presented at a particular point in the year.
Annual Report and Accounts
Similar to all other large corporate bodies the Health Board is required to publish an annual report each year by the 30th September. These are presented formally at the annual public meeting in September. 
Business Continuity Guidance
Business Continuity Management is a management led process which identifies and mitigates risks and disruptions that could affect the performance of BCUHB.
Corporate Risk Register
The Health Board's latest Board approved Corporate Risk Register.  Together with latest Risk Management Policy and associated equality impact assessment.

Digital Strategy: Our Digital Future

Digital is the future and we know that we have to increase the pace of delivery, support people through this change, maximise the use of our budgets and additional funding with a clear plan for delivery today and for the future.

Engagement Strategies
Involving people in the planning, design and delivery of services helps to build partnerships with communities, recognise local issues and identify areas for service improvement are included within the Engagement Strategies.
Health and Care Standards
The Health and Care Standards set out the Welsh Government’s common framework of standards to support the NHS and partner organisations in providing effective, timely and quality services across all healthcare settings:
Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW)

The independent inspectorate and regulator of all health care in Wales.

Health and Safety Policy 
Managing health and safety is an integral part of managing the Health Board's business and by law the Health Board is required to have a written Health and Safety Policy

Ombudsman's Final Public Interest Reports

People Strategy and Plan
Our vision is to create a healthier North Wales, with opportunities for everyone to realise their full potential. This means that, over time, the people of North Wales should experience a better quality and length of life.

Our Integrated Performance Framework

The Integrated Performance  Framework sets out the means by which the Health Board can easily identify areas of excellence for wider sharing and celebration and areas where additional support may be required. It is the framework by which the Board, Executive Leadership Team, hospitals, community & primary care area leadership and specialty teams, and corporate functions are held to account for their performance.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 
As a Health Board this is our first pharmaceutical needs assessment and its development has been overseen by a steering group which included representation from the health board, Community Pharmacy Wales, North Wales Local Medical Committee and North Wales Community Health Council.

Public Health North Wales 

Quality Improvement Strategy
Our purpose is to improve health and provide excellent care to the people of North Wales. We take this responsibility very seriously.
Standing Orders and Financial Instructions
Local Health Boards (LHBs) in Wales are required to agree Standing Orders (SOs) for the regulation of their proceedings and business including further information. 
Welsh Language
The Welsh Language Standards are a set of statutory requirements which are relevant to the Health Board.