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Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are the ability to use the smaller muscles of the hand and wrist to make movements. Fine motor skills are important for a child to allow them to complete self care tasks such as buttoning clothes, fastening zips and feeding. Fine motor skills are also important for school related tasks such as handwriting and using scissors. 

Below are strategy sheets with activity ideas for children of different ages, which can support a child to develop their fine motor skills;

Fine Motor Skills 1 

Fine Motor Skills 2

Fine Motor Skills for Older Children

Hand Dexterity

There are different movements of the hand required for different tasks. In-hand manipulation refers to the fine adjustments made within the hand after grasping an object. The child needs to develop these skills to have effective and efficient fine motor skills. This strategy sheet breaks down the different skills needed to developed skilled hands and activities that can be completed to develop these skills in children. 

Skilled Hands

Bilateral Integration

Bilateral integration is the ability to use two sides of the body together in an effective way to complete an activity. It is an important foundation for development of co-ordination between left and right sides of the body

A child with poor bilateral integration will have problems with body balance and co-ordination and will experience difficulties in carrying out any activities that use both sides of the body e.g. throwing and catching a ball, riding a bike, tying shoelaces, managing zips and buttons, using cutlery etc. The below strategy sheet lists activities that can be used to support a child develop these skills. 

Bilateral Intergration