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Advice & Support

Supporting Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Young people who are accessing the neurodevelopmental team for further assessment may also experience issues with regards to their mental health.

Sensory Sensitivities

Sensory processing is the ability of the brain to interpret, organise and respond appropriately to information received from the eight sensory systems in the body.

Positive Behaviour Strategies

Supporting and preventing challenging behaviour can be tricky. Every child is different so there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

Managing Change

The need for predictability and adapting to change can be difficult for some young people with neurodevelopmental profiles and not everyone will react in the same way. 

10 tips for food times

Some help and advice for getting the most out of meal times. 

Understanding Teenagers

Being a teenager with a neurodevelopmental disorder can be very tricky time for the young person, you as carers, and the whole family.

Understanding and talking about feelings

There are lots of things that can affect how a child or young person is feeling. This section helps provide strategies and advice to understanding feelings.

Attention and Listening

Attention, concentration and organisational skills can take practice to develop. For some children listening, concentrating and learning to organise themselves can be tricky to do.

Adapting Language & Communication

Language is complicated! Each language contains over a million words! Language shapes the way we see the world, it allows us to understand what is happening around us and to share our thoughts, feelings and experiences with other people.


It is estimated that 1 in 4 children will experience sleep difficulties at some point. Sleep problems are more common in children with additional needs such as ADHD and Autism.