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Tim discovers a healthy lifestyle leads naturally to healthy weight loss.

What made you sign up to Help with my Weight?

 I was at the heaviest point of my life and many stones overweight, my health was getting worse and my confidence lower. I knew that I needed to do something to get control of my life and came across an advert on social media to get support to lose weight and was able to refer myself. 

 A couple of weeks later a letter came through the post inviting me to attend a “KindEating Programme” via telephone conferencing where we met as a group of people across North Wales with a dedicated dietitian to attend a 12 week programme.   

What did you think of KindEating?

This gave the flexibility of being able to attend from the comfort of your own home.  The programme covered a wide range of topics and tips of eating better, changing eating habits, setting exercise goals, dealing with what types of foods to buy and dealing with the factors that make us over eat. 

 The programme has totally changed my life and given me the tools to lead a healthier and active life.

What did you find challenging?

I have gone from food controlling me, to enjoying healthy and nutritional food, the junk food that I used to eat now tastes of salt, cocoa butter and sugar and the flavours of fruit, vegetables and salad taste delicious. 

What’s changed?

I still eat 3 meals a day, and a snack is now a piece of fruit instead of a large chocolate bar and a packet of crisps.  I now manage to eat 8-10 portions of fruit and veg a day as opposed to the 2 a week that I used to eat. 

What did you think of KindEating?

My initial expectations of the programme were that I need to lose weight and everything will be ok, but am now prouder that I am able to eat differently and healthier and the weight naturally comes off, it doesn’t feel like a diet to me, it feels like I have been given a new chance to lead a healthy life. 

What did you learn?

After completing the programme my weight continues to gradually come off, and I now manage to do 10,000 steps a day around 4 days per week.  I also have plans to attend local gym sessions. 

How is your life now?

From a health point of view my headaches are a lot less frequent, my asthma is a lot more under control, my five year ankle injury bothers me a lot less and my blood pressure is a lot lower than it used to be. 

If you're determined to get your health and well being under control this programme is for you, the BCUHB – Dietetic team can give you all the tools and support you need to change your life.