Children need to eat the right balance of energy and nutrients for healthy growth and development, to achieve a healthy weight and protect against certain diseases. To help children develop patterns of healthy eating from an early age, it is important that the food and eating patterns to which they are exposed (both at home and outside the home) are those that promote positive attitudes and enjoyment of good food. The childcare setting can play an important part in this, by providing quality and nutritious food for children in their care.
Providing young children with a healthy balanced diet and tooth friendly drinks is essential to:
Did you know...that children attending full day care need around 90% of their recommended energy and nutrients from the food and drink offered by the childcare provider. It is therefore important that these settings provide a range of nutritious foods in the right amount.
For more information and top tips about healthy eating for children aged 1 – 4 years visit the our Best Start Hub.