Taking illegal drugs or substances such as cannabis, cocaine, and new psychoactive substances (known as ‘legal highs’) may contribute to fertility problems. Taking illegal or recreational drugs can also cause serious problems in pregnancy.
Using illegal drugs before pregnancy may affect the person taking the substance, which may affect the fertility, and overall physical and mental health. Many illegal drugs can be harmful to the sperm development and quality. Excessive exposure to nicotine and illegal drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, new psychoactive substances and amphetamine can cause complications in future pregnancies.
We understand that some people may be misusing illegal drugs for many different reasons at certain points in their lives however, please seek advice and support from your health professional if you are using drugs and are thinking about becoming pregnant. It is important you do not stop abruptly as there may be withdrawal problems or side effects from stopping the substance you are using.
If you would like support to stop using substances or you are worried you might be dependent on substances, you can speak to your GP or our local Substance Misuse Service.
If you are pregnant, please speak to your midwife in confidence as they help you to access the right help and support. You can also speak to your midwife or GP if you are worried you may be dependent on prescription medication.
Confidential help and support is available: