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Vaccination updates

Updates on our vaccination plans and progress in North Wales

    March 7, 2025

    People eligible for a COVID-19 booster or flu vaccine have just three weeks to top up their protection against serious illness before this year’s winter vaccination campaign comes to an end later this month

    Anyone who is eligible for the vaccines but has not received them yet can walk into one of our community vaccination centres without an appointment throughout March.

    The final vaccination clinics for our winter campaign will be held on Thursday March 27. A full list of clinic dates, locations and times is available here. Full details of eligibility for the NHS flu vaccine are available here. Full details of eligibility for the COVID-19 booster are available here.

    More than 360,000 COVID-19 and flu vaccines given this winter

    COVID-19 and flu continue to circulate in our communities. The vaccines can reduce your chances you catching these viruses, lessen the severity of symptoms if you do, and decrease the likelihood of you of passing them on to others. They help to protect the wider community from outbreaks, and reduce the pressure on local NHS services. 

    More than 360,000 COVID-19 and flu vaccines have been given by the health board and our partners in primary care services throughout North Wales since September. 

    Everyone eligible for the vaccines has already been contacted to be offered an appointment, but members of our teams may contact patients once more to offer a further appointment where our records show they have not received their vaccines. 

    Patients who have not received an appointment letter for any reason, who have misplaced their letter, missed their appointment or previously opted out of the programme can still walk in to be vaccinated or contact us by emailing or calling 03000 840004 or more information.

    Please take up your invitation to receive the vaccines

    It is important to receive the vaccines when invited to help maintain a high level of protection against COVID-19 and flu. Patients who do not take up the offer to receive the vaccines are likely to be more vulnerable to serious illness.

    We encourage people aged 75 and over and people who are immunosuppressed who have not received the vaccines this winter to come forward as soon as possible. This will allow us to invite these patients to receive a Spring COVID-19 vaccine in a timely way in the coming months. 

    People in other eligible groups, including those aged 65 to 74 and others in a clinical risk groups, who have not received the vaccines this winter will not be able to access them after the end of March. We encourage people in these cohorts to top up their protection and reduce their risk of serious illness by getting vaccinated now.

    COVID-19 Spring vaccine programme

    Following guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and the Welsh Government, our teams are currently planning the COVID-19 Spring booster programme in North Wales.

    From April, we will offer a Spring COVID-19 vaccine to:

    As in previous campaigns, we will contact eligible patients directly with an appointment for their vaccination and work with care home managers to offer vaccinations to their residents.

    Patients should await their appointment letter. There is no need to contact us – we will invite you for your vaccine when it is your turn to receive it.  

    The Spring COVID-19 vaccine will usually be offered to patients around six months (and a minimum of three months) following their last dose of the vaccine. 


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