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Here you will find: 

Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Financial audit reports
Capital programme

We use guidance that has been issued by Welsh Government for our capital programmes. When details and information about our capital programmes are available, they will be published on our website. Further information regarding the  oversight, delivery and monitoring of Capital and Estates strategies and policies as enablers of Health Board strategy can be found here:

Planning, Population Health and Partnerships Committee - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (

Scheme of delegation 
Senior staff and Board members' allowances and expenses
Staff pay and grading structures 

Salaries are agreed in line with the Agenda for Change pay scales within Wales. 

Funding (including endowment funds) 
  • Within Awyr Las (the working title for the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - BCUHB - Charity), there are numerous designated funds which are identified to specific areas and/or services. These designated funds are for internal purposes only and are not registered with the Charity Commission.
  • Information regarding our accounts can be found in the Trusts Annual Report
Procurement and tendering procedures 
  • Betsi Cadwaldr University Health Board (BCUHB) follows the NHS All Wales Shared Services Partnership Procurement Services. This provides a complete Procurement to Payment system for all Health Boards across Wales.
  • The BCUHB Procedure Manual for Managing Capital Projects is intended for use in the management of capital expenditure with a capital value of over £1million. It is used in conjunction with relevant publications, and in particular Capital Investment must be in accordance with the NHS Wales Infrastructure Investment Guidance.

  • The BCUHB Procedure Manual for Managing Capital Projects Addendum is used for smaller projects with a capital value of £25,000 to £1million.

    Further information on BCUHB’s procurement and tendering processes can be found within the Health Board’s Standing Orders and Financial Instructions (SFIs). 

Details of contracts currently being tendered 
List and value of contracts awarded and details of contracts currently under tender