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Abbreviations Commonly Used in Occupational Therapy


A- Assistance

A&E - Accident and Emergency

A/L - Annual Leave

A/P- Attendant Propel

A/w - Admitted with

AA - Aortic aneurysm

AAA – Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

AAROM - Active Assisted Range of Movement

Abdo- Abdominal

ABG- Arterial Blood Gas

ABI – Acquired Brain Injury

Abx – Antibiotics

ACE - Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination

ACIS- Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills

ACP - Advanced Clinical Practitioner

ACS - Acute Coronary Syndrome

ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

AD- Anti depressants

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADLs - Activities of Daily Living

AF - Atrial Fibrillation

AFO- Anterior Foot Orthosis

AKA - Above Knee Amputation

AKI – Acute Kidney Injury

ALD - Adults with Learning Disability

AM – Morning

AMH- Adult Mental Health

AML - Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

AMU – Acute Medical Unit

ANP – Advanced Nurse Practitioner

AP – Advanced Practitioner

Apt / Appt – Appointment

AROM - Active Range of Movement

AS - Aortic Stenosis

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

ASD/ASC - Autism Spectrum Disorder / Autism Spectrum Condition

AusTOMs –Australian Therapy Outcome Measure

Ax - Assessment



B/K - Below Knee

B/L- Bilateral/ Bed Lever (contextual)

BAOT- British Association of Occupational Therapists

BB- Bathboard

BCUHB - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Bd - Twice a day

BI - Best Interests

BIBA - Brought In By Ambulance

BIM - Best Interests Meeting

BKA - Below Knee Amputation

BMI – Body Mass Index

BNO – Bowels Not Opened

BO – Bowels Opened

BP - Blood Pressure

BPD- Borderline Personality Disorder

BPSD- Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

BPPV – Benign Postural Paroxysmal Vertigo

Bx – Biopsy

BYN – Bryn Y Neuadd



c/o - complains of

C19 – COVID 19 / coronavirus

Ca - Cancer

CA - Chronological Age

CABG - Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

CAP - Community Acquired Pneumonia

CBCH – Colwyn Bay Community Hospital

CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

CC- Case Conference

CCF - Congestive Cardiac Failure

CCH- Chirk Community Hospital

CCU - Coronary Care Unit

CHC- Continuing Health Care

Chemo – chemotherapy

CI – Cochlear Implant

CLBP - Chronic Low Back Pain

CLDN - Community learning Disability nurse

CLDT – Community Learning Disability Team

CLL - Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia

CMCJ- Carpal Meta Carpal Joint

CMHT - Community Mental Health Team

CNA  - Could not attend

CNS - Central Nervous System (contextual)

CNS – Clinical Nurse Specialist

COCH - Countess of Chester Hospital

Cons - Consultant

Cont. - Continued

COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

COPM- Canadian Occupational Performance Measure

COTE - Care Of the Elderly

CP - Cerebral Palsy

CPAP – Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

CPN - Community Psychiatric Nurse

CPR - Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

CR- Cardiac Rehabilitation

CRF - Chronic Renal Failure

CRT- Community Resource Team

CS - clinical supervisor

CSF - Cerebral Spinal Fluid

CT - Computed Tomography

CTC – Cancer Treatment Centre

CTO- Community Treatment Order

CTP- Care and Treatment Plan

CTR - Carpal Tunnel Release

CTS - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTX - Chemotherapy

CVA - Cerebrovascular Accident

CVS - Cardiovascular System

CXR - Chest X-Ray



D/C - Discharge

D/W - Discussed With

DA- Dressing Aids

DADL- Domestic Activities of Daily Living

DATIX – BCUHB Incident Report

DCH- Deeside Community Hospital

Dept- Department

DHS - Dynamic Hip Screw

DI – Denbigh Infirmary Hospital

DIPJ- Distal Interphalangeal Joint

DLA- Disability Living Allowance

DMD - Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy

DN - District Nurse

DNA - Did Not Attend

DNACPR - Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation

DNR - Do not resuscitate

DOB - Date of Birth

DOD- Date of Discharge/ Date of Death (contextual)

DOI - Date of Injury

DOLS – Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

DOSA – Day of Surgical Arrivals

Dr or DR – Doctor

DSH- Deliberate Self Harm

DT - Dietitian

DV or domi – Domiciliary Visit

DVT - deep vein thrombosis

DXT – Radiotherapy



EA - Emergency Admission

EAT – Electronic Assistive Team

ECG – Electrocardiogram

ECHO – Echocardiogram

ECT- Electro Convulsive Therapy

ED - Emergency Department

EEG - Electroencephalogram

EFRS- Enhanced Falls Response Service

EMG -Electro myelogram

EMI - Elderly mental Illness

ENT - Ear, Nose and Throat

EOL – End of Life

EPP- Education Programme for Patients

EUA - Examination Under Anaesthetic

EV - Environmental Visit

EUPD- Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder



F – Female

F2F- Face to Face

FBC - Full Blood Count

Fe - Iron

FH - Family History

FMS - Fine Motor Skills

FRSM – Fluid repellent surgical Mask

FSTF- Free Standing Toilet Frame

FTD – Frontal temporal Dementia

FTM – Female to male

FUHV- Follow Up Home Visit

FUTC- Follow Up Telephone Call

FWB - Fully Weight Bearing

FY1 / FY2 – Foundation Doctor



GA - General Anaesthetic

GAD- Generalised Anxiety Disorder

GAD7- Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 assessment

GBS – Guillain-Barre Syndrome

GCS - Glasgow Coma Scale

GD – Gender Dysphoria

GI – Gender Identity

GIC – Gender Identity Clinic

GMS - Gross Motor Skills

GORD – Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

GP - General Practitioner

GR- Grab Rail

GRS – Gender Reassignment Surgery

GU - Genitourinary



H&N – Head & Neck

H/H- Helping Hand

h/o - History of

HADS – Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale

HAP – Hospital Acquired Pneumonia

Hb – Haemoglobin

HCA - Health care Assistant

HCH – Holywell Community Hospital

HCSW - Health Care Support Worker

HD – Huntington’s Disease

HDU - High Dependency Unit

HHA- Hand Held Assistance

HI - Head Injury – Hearing Impaired

HOF - Head of Femur

HPC - History of Presenting Complaint

HTN - Hypertension

HV - Health Visitor/ Home Visit contextual

Hx – History



I- Independent

ICD - international Classification of Disorders

ICH - Intracerebral Haemorrhage

ICU - Intensive Care Unit

IDDM - Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

IEP - Individualised Education programme

IHD - Ischaemic Heart Disease

II- Initial Interview

IM- Intra-muscular

Info- Information

IP- Inpatient

ITU- Intensive Therapy Unit

IV- Intravenous

IVABX - Intravenous Antibiotics

IVI - Intravenous Infusion





K - Potassium

KA- Kitchen Assessment

KT- Kitchen Trolley



L - Left

L/L - Lower Limb

LA – Local Anaesthetic/ Local Authority (contextual)

LACLS – Large Allen Cognitive Level Screen

LBP- Lower Back Pain

LD - Learning disability

LFT - Lung Function Test / Liver function test / Lateral Flow Test (contextual)

LGT – Local Gender Team

LHCH – Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital

LHS- Left Hand Side

LHSH- Long Handled Shoe Horn

LIF - Left Iliac Fossa

LL- Leg Lifter

LLGH – Llandudno General Hospital

LP – Lumbar Puncture

LPA – Lasting Power of Attorney

LRTI - Lower Respiratory tract Infection

LTM- Long Term Memory

LVF - Left Ventricular Failure

Lx – Laryngeal



M – Male

Max- Maximum

MCA – Mental Capacity Act / Middle Cerebral Artery (contextual)

MCH- Mold Community Hospital

MCPJ- Meta-Carpal Interphalangeal Joint

MD - Muscular Dystrophy

MDT - Multi Disciplinary team

MDU – Medical Day Unit

Mets - Metastases

MFFD - Medically fit for discharge

Mg - Magnesium

MH - Medical History / Mental health/ Manual Handling (contextual)

MHA- Mental Health Act

MHM- Mental Health Measure

MI - Myocardial Infarction

MID - Multi Infarct Dementia

Min- Minimum

MND - Motor Neurone Disease

Mob- Mobilised/ Mobility

MOHO- Model of Human Occupation

MOHOST- Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool

MOCA - Montreal Cognitive Assessment

MR - Mitral Regurgitation

MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRSA +ve/-ve - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

MS - Multiple Sclerosis

MSE- Mental State Examination

MSC- Motor, Sensation, Circulation

MSU- Mid Stream Urine

MTD – Muscle Tension Dysphonia

MTF – Male to Female

MUA- Manipulation Under Anaesthetic



N/A - Not Applicable

NAD - No Abnormalities Detected

NBM – Nil By Mouth

NC – Nasal cannula

ND - Normal diet

NDF - Normal diet and fluids

Nebs- Nebuliser

NERS- National Exercise Referral Scheme

NEWCES- North East Wales Community Equipment Service

NEWCIS – North East Wales Carers Information Service

NG tube / NGT – Nasogastric Tube

NH - Nursing Home

NHF – Nasal high flow

NICE - National Institute for Clinical Excellence

NIDDM - Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

NIV – Non-Invasive Ventilation

NMFD – Not medically fit for discharge

NOF - Neck of Femur

NOH - Neck of Humerus

NOK - Next of Kin

NST – Nutritional Support Team

NSTEMI- Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction

NWB - Non Weight Bearing

NWBIS – North Wales Brain Injury Service

NWCTC – North Wales Cancer Treatment Centre



O/E - On Examination

O2 - Oxygen

OA - Osteoarthritis

OBS- Over Bath Shower/ Observations (contextual)

OBT- Over Bed Table

OCAIRS- Occupational Circumstances Assessment Interview Rating Scale

OD- Overdose

OCS - Oxford Cognitive Assessment

OGD - Oesophago – gastro – duodenoscopy

OM – Outcome Measures

OO- Owner Occupied

Op - Operation

OP - Out patient

OPD - Out Patient Department

OPMH – Older Person’s Mental Health

OSA- Occupational Self-Assessment

OSA-SF- Occupational Self-Assessment Short Form

OT - Occupational Therapy

OTAP – Occupational Therapy Assistant Practitioner

OT TI - Occupational Therapy Technical Instructor

OTS- Occupational Therapy Student



P/C - Presenting Complaint

P/S- Perching Stool

PA - Personal Assistant

PACS - Partial Anterior Circulation Stroke

PADLS - Personal Activities of daily Living

PAEDs – Paediatrics

PAL- Pool Activity Level assessment

PAMS- Posture and Mobility Service

PC- Primary Care

PCP – Person Centred Planning

PD - Parkinson’s Disease

PE - Pulmonary Embolism

PEG - Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy

PHQ 9 - Patient Health Questionnaire

Physio/ PT- Physiotherapist

PIP- Personal Independence Payment

PIPJ- Proximal Interphalangeal Joint

PM – Afternoon

PMH- Past Medical History

PMHP - Perinatal Mental Health Practitioner

PMHT - Perinatal Mental Health Team

PMLD- Profound and Multiple Learning Disability

POA - Plan of Action

POC - Package of care

POCS- Posterior Circulation Stroke

POP- Plaster of Paris

PORT- Pulmonary Outreach Team

PPE - Personal protective Equipment

PPI – Proton Pump Inhibitor

PR- Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pre OP - Pre Operatively

PREMS – Patient Reported Experience Measures

PRN - As necessary

PROM - Passive Range of Movement / Patient Reported Outcome Measures (contextual)

PROP - Proprioceptive

PSP - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

Pt- Patient

PTA - Post Traumatic Amnesia

PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PU - Passed Urine

PVD - Peripheral Vascular Disease

PWB - Partial Weight Bearing



QD / QDS - 4 times a day

QOL – Quality Of Life



R - Right

R/R- Rise Recliner Chair

R/V - Review

RA - Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Risk Assessment (contextual)

RAH – Royal Alexandra Hospital

RCH – Ruthin Community Hospital

RCOT- Royal College of Occupational Therapists

RCP - Royal College of Physicians

Re - Regarding

Recs - Recommendations

Ref – Referring to / reference to / referral

Reg. – Registrar

Rehab- Rehabilitation

REIS – Residential Environment Impact Scale

Resp – Respiratory

RGN - Registered General Nurse

RH - Residential Home

RHS- Right Hand Side

RIG – Radiologically Inserted Gastrostomy

RIP - Rest in Peace

RMN- Registered Mental Health Nurse

RN- Registered Nurse

RNLD – Registered Nurse for people with a Learning Disability

ROM - Range of Movement

RS - Respiratory System

RSI - Repetitive Strain Injury

RTA - Road Traffic Accident

RTS- Raised Toilet Seat

RVF - Right Ventricular Failure

Rx – Treatment

RxT - Radiotherapy



S/b or SB - Seen by

S/L - Sick Leave

S/P- Self Propel

S/S- Social Services

SA- Sock Aid

SAH - Sub-arachnoid Haemorrhage

SALT/ SLT - Speech and Language Therapy/Therapist

SBAR - Situation Background Assessment Recommendations (Plan)

SCC - Spinal Cord Compression

SDEC – Same Day Emergency Care

SDH - Subdural Haematoma

SH - Social History

SHO - Senior House Officer

SN - Staff Nurse

SOAP- Subjective, Objective, Analysis, Plan

SOB - Short of Breath

SOBOE - Short of Breath on Exertion

SOEOB- Sit on Edge of Bed

SOL - Space Occupying Lesion

SpR – Specialist Registrar

SPoAA- Single Point of Assessment and Allocation

SPOC- Single Point of Contact

SR - Sinus Rhythm

STM- Short Term Memory

STML- Short Term Memory Loss

STS- Sit to Stand

SU – service user

SVT- Supra Ventricular Tachycardia

SW - Social Work/er

SWMS - Specialist Weight Management Service

Sx- Surgery / surgery assessment



T/C or Tel - Telephone Call

TA- Tights Aid

TACI – Total Anterior Circulation Infarct

TACS - Total Anterior Circulation Stroke

TB- Tuberculosis

TBA – To be arranged

TBC – To be confirmed

TC – Treatment Complete

TCI - To Come In

TDS - 3 Times a day

Temp- Temperature 

TF – Transfer

TFLS – The Functional Living Scale

TG - Transgender

THR - Total Hip Replacement

TI - Technical Instructor

TIA - Transient Ischaemic Attack

TKR - Total Knee Replacement

TLC - Tender Loving Care

TM - Therapy Manager

TMJ – Temporamandibular Joint

TNM – Tumour Node Metastases

TOC – Transfer of care

TOMs – Therapy Outcome Measures

TTO’s - Tablets to Take Out

TTWB – Toe touch weight bearing

TURP - Transurethral Resection of Prostrate

TWOC - Trial without Catheter

Tx – Treatment / Therapy



U&E’s - Urea and Electolytes

U/L - Upper Limb

URT - Upper Respiratory Tract

URTI – Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

USS - Ultra Sound Scan

UTA - Unable to Attend

UTI - Urinary Tract Infection



VC – Video Call

VEST - Vestibular

VF - Ventricular Fibrillation

VP - Visual Perception

 VQ- Volitional Questionnaire

VR - Vocational Rehabilitation

VT- Ventricular Tachycardia



W&D- Washing and Dressing Assessment

W/c - week commencing

W/C - Wheelchair

W/S- Walking Stick

WAST- Welsh Ambulance Service Trust

WB - Weight Bearing

WBC - White Blood Corpuscle

WCC- White Cell Count

WEIS - Work Environment Impact Scale

WGS – Welsh Gender Service

WLS – Weight Loss Surgery

WMH - Wrexham Maelor Hospital

WPAS – Welsh Patient Administration System

WR - Ward Round

WZF- Wheeled Zimmer Frame

WMS – Weight Management Service



x- Times

XRT – Radiotherapy



YG -  Ysbyty Gwynedd

YGC -   Ysbyty Glan Clwyd

YM – Ysbyty Maelor

Yrs- Years



ZF - Zimmer Frame


Symbol use and numerical:

< Increase

>  Decrease

? – used to signify a query / uncertainty

# - Fracture

++ - use to exemplify the severity level. (A lot of)

1:1 - one to one

1/7 -one day; 2/7 two days etc.

1/52 - One Week; 2/52 two weeks etc.

1/12 - One Month; 8/12 eight months etc.


Accepted staff initials used in context:

OT staff initials can be used but contextualised, e.g.

d/w OT AA