Updates on our vaccination plans and progress in North Wales
March 25, 2025
Our campaign to offer a Spring COVID-19 vaccine to around 100,000 of the most vulnerable people in North Wales will begin next week
The vaccine, which is recommended by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and the Welsh Government, will help to protect older people aged 75 and over, people who live in care homes for older adults, and adults and children with a weaker immune system from the serious illness caused by the virus.
We urge everyone eligible for the vaccine to take up the offer to boost their protection against COVID-19 this Spring.
We expect the first appointment letters for our vaccination centres to arrive through letterboxes this week. Further rounds of invitations will be issued in the weeks ahead.
The spring COVID-19 vaccine will usually be offered around six months (and a minimum of three months) after the date of the patient’s previous COVID-19 vaccine.
Vaccination teams are prioritising eligible groups in order of clinical need, and will begin the programme by visiting care homes to vaccinate vulnerable older adults across the region.
Our teams will continue to visit care homes in turn over the coming weeks, and will make arrangements for these visits direct with care home managers.
All people aged 75 and over will be offered a spring COVID-19 vaccine at one of our community vaccination centres during April, May and June.
The first appointments at our community vaccination centres will take place from mid-April onwards. Appointment letters, which include the location, date and time of the vaccination slot, have already been posted to the first people to be invited.
Further rounds of invitations will be issued in order of clinical priority over the coming weeks. We will write to eligible people when it is their turn. Please do be patient – there is no need to contact our team.
Please check your invitation letter carefully because the location of your vaccination appointment may be different from your previous appointment.
Adults and children aged six months and over who are immunosuppressed as a result of a health condition or medical treatment will also be offered a spring COVID-19 vaccine at one of our vaccination centres.
We are especially keen to encourage adults and children with a compromised immune system (as defined by tables 3 and 4 in Chapter 14a of the Green Book) to come forward to receive the vaccine when invited.
We will contact eligible people who are housebound to make arrangements for them to receive their spring COVID-19 vaccine.
Our COVID-19 Autumn booster and flu vaccine campaign will end on Thursday March 27.
Walk-in COVID-19 Autumn booster and flu vaccinations will be available at a limited number of community vaccination centres without an appointment until Thursday March 27 for all eligible people who have not received them during the autumn or winter.
Full details of our walk-in clinic dates, times and locations are available here.