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Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near normal as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability.

And as a healthcare profession, physiotherapy's science foundation covers a broad and varied range of work which involves working with people to promote their own health and well being. They combine their knowledge, skills and approach to improve a broad range of physical problems associated with different 'systems' of the body.

Physiotherapists work within multi-professional teams across community hospitals, community settings and within patient's homes, as well as out-patient clinics.

Physiotherapists work in a wide variety of health settings such as:

  • intensive care
  • mental illness
  • stroke recovery
  • occupational health
  • care of the elderly

They combine their knowledge, skills and approach to improve a broad range of physical problems associated with different 'systems' of the body. In particular they treat:

  • neuromuscular (brain and nervous system)
  • musculoskeletal (soft tissues, joints and bones)
  • respiratory and cardiovascular systems (heart and lungs )

People are often referred for physiotherapy by doctors or other health and social care professionals. Increasingly, as a result of changes in health care, people are referring themselves directly to physiotherapists without previously seeing any other health care professional.

Physiotherapists work autonomously, most often as a member of a team with other health or social care professionals.  Physiotherapy practice is characterised by reflective behaviour and systematic clinical reasoning, both contributing to and underpinning a problem-solving approach to patient-centred care.

Self-referral to Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy - This term relates to physiotherapy of the musculoskeletal system. This involves muscles, bones, joints, nerves, ligaments, cartilage and spinal discs.

If you feel that you are suffering from a musculoskeletal complaint that could benefit from physiotherapy, you are now able to make a direct referral to your local physiotherapy department within the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. This offers patients greater choice and faster access to hospital services without the need to visit the GP.

Please note this referral option is not available to under 18’s or for neurological, respiratory of gynaecological problems.

What is a Paper Self Referral Form and what do I do with it?

A self-referral form is a paper form that you can fill in and either send or bring in to your local physiotherapy department. On the form, you will be asked a number of questions about your condition. Once the form arrives in the physiotherapy department, a senior member of staff will read it and you will be put on the physiotherapy waiting list and contacted for an appointment in due course. Please ensure your contact details are clearly written, including your contact telephone number.

Physiotherapy: Patient Information Leaflet, Word document

Where would I find the form?

The form will be available in GP surgeries across the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board from March 2013, or from your local physiotherapy department.  You can also print off a copy of the form and there is also a list of locations available where you can send the form. 

Once you have completed your form, please send it to your local physiotherapy department.