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Programme Overview - Living with Type 2 Diabetes Course

Programme overview

Programme overview for our Diabetes Self-Management Course.

Week 1 

  • Overview of self-management and diabetes  
  • Nutrition/Healthy Eating
  • Making an action plan  
  • Monitoring diabetes and blood glucose 

Week 2 

  • Nutrition/Healthy Eating
  • Making an action plan  
  • Monitoring diabetes and blood glucose  
  • Problem-solving  
  • Feedback  
  • Dealing with stress  

Week 3  

  • Nutrition/Healthy Eating
  • Making an action plan  
  • Monitoring diabetes and blood glucose  
  • Problem-solving  
  • Feedback
  • Preventing low blood glucose  
  • Preventing complications  
  • Making decisions  
  • Physical activity / exercise  

Week 4

  • Nutrition/Healthy Eating
  • Making an action plan  
  • Monitoring diabetes and blood glucose  
  • Problem-solving  
  • Feedback
  • Difficult emotions  

Week 5 

  • Making an action plan  
  • Monitoring diabetes and blood glucose  
  • Problem-solving  
  • Feedback
  • Physical activity / exercise  
  • Low-Mood and Depression  
  • Positive thinking  
  • Relaxation techniques  
  • Communication  

Week 6 

  • Monitoring diabetes and blood glucose  
  • Problem-solving  
  • Feedback
  • Sick days 
  • Foot care
  • Medication
  • Working with your Healthcare Team  
  • Looking Back and Planning for the Future  

Out of Course Activity by Session 

Session 1:  
  • On 2 days, one workday & one non-work day, monitor blood glucose once in AM before eating, once 2 hours after a meal and once after exercising.  Write down all you eat on same 2 days, take note of what learned.  

  • Reading: Chapters1, 2, 4, 10 and 14   

  • Keep track of your action plan.

Session 2:  
  • Keep track of what & when you eat 2 days, one weekday and one weekend day.  

  • We will be covering decision-making next time; think of something for which you need to make a decision and have it ready next week.  

  • Reading: Chapters 2, 4, 10 • Keep track of your action plan.

Session 3:  
  • Pay attention to labels of favourite foods; see if eating hidden fat and if saturated or non saturated.  

  • Look at serving sizes on labels of foods; bring 1-2 labels next week and be prepared to tell what you have discovered.  

  • Reading: Chapters 2, 6, 7, 13 and 14  

  • Keep track of your action plan.  

Session 4:  
  • Reading:  Chapters 4, 6 and 10  

  • Reading food labels; try having smaller servings of foods high in carbohydrates and/or fats.   

  • Keep track your exercise each day.  

  • Keep track of your action plan.

Session 5:  
  • Pay attention to the types of thoughts have about yourself; try to replace negative ones with positive ones.  

  • Keep track of exercise one weekday and one weekend day; be prepared to share what learned.    

  • Monitor your blood glucose before and after eating and before and after exercise twice and be prepared to talk about it if you have seen any changes since you did this five weeks ago.  

  • Reading: Chapters 6, 8, 11, 14  

  • You may wish to write a letter to your GP about what you have accomplished.  Alternatively write a letter to the Coordinator of the organisation providing the training.  Tutors will provide the address.  You don’t have to post or show these letters but bring them with you next week for your own use in the sharing activity.  

  • Keep track of your action plan.

Session 6:   
  • Create and/or update a medication list and keep it current  

  • Reading:  Chapters 13, 14 and 16  

  • Continue using your action plans as a support.  

Contact our self-care team to find out more information about our health and wellbeing courses, including how to book your place.