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How can I support my child to give…

  • We create opportunities for our child to practice relaxing and model calming down for our child.
  • We encourage our child to use different relaxation strategies in different situations.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We create opportunities for our child to practice relaxing and model calming down for our child.
  • We encourage our child to use different relaxation strategies in different situations.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We create opportunities to talk to our child about their day, things that have gone well and how they have shown compassion and kindness whilst they have been at school or out playing.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We model being grateful and show gratitude to our child for spending time with us.
  • We create opportunities for our child to practice relaxing and model calming down for our child.
  • We encourage our child to use different relaxation strategies in different situations.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 


  • We model being grateful and show gratitude to our child for spending time with us.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

    • We create opportunities for our child to take turns, to share and to help others.


    Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

    • We create opportunities for our child to take turns, to share and to help others.
    • We create opportunities for our child to take turns, to share and to help others.
    • We support our child to show care and compassion in the things that they do.
    • We create opportunities to talk to our child about their day, things that have gone well and how they have shown compassion and kindness whilst they have been at school or out playing.

    Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing:

    • Connect
    • We create opportunities for our child to take turns, to share and to help others.
    • We have rules, routines and timetables for household activities. We use now and next cards to support child to help them know what is coming next.

    Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

    • We create opportunities for our child to take turns, to share and to help others.

    Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: