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How can I support my child to connect…

  • We talk to our child about their feelings and emotions and explore how to manage these.
  • We model ways of managing uncomfortable feelings within appropriate boundaries.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We create opportunities for our child to behave appropriately when out in the community, and model good behaviour ourselves.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We create opportunities for our child to behave appropriately when out in the community, and model good behaviour ourselves.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We support our child to access online resources at an age appropriate level.
  • We provide appropriate and age- appropriate online access for our child.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We support our child in developing understanding of others.
  • We talk to our child about their feelings and emotions and explore how to manage these.
  • We create opportunities for our child to play kindly with others and to ask for help if they need it.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We encourage our child to use their manners, to take turns and be polite.
  • We support our child in developing understanding of others.
  • We work with our child to help them understand diversity and that everyone has qualities and strengths.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We help our child to develop a close supportive network and provide opportunities for them to stay in touch with those people.
  • We create opportunities for our child to behave appropriately when out in the community, and model good behaviour ourselves.
  • We create opportunities for our child to make new friendships and spend time with their friends.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We help our child to develop a close supportive network and provide opportunities for them to stay in touch with those people.
  • We create opportunities for our child to play kindly with others and to ask for help if they need it.
  • We create opportunities for our child to behave appropriately when out in the community, and model good behaviour ourselves.
  • We create opportunities for our child to make new friendships and spend time with their friends.
  • We talk with our child about relationships and help them to understand relationships beyond friends and family.
  • We support our child in understanding who they can turn to if they need help, and actively encourage them to build a support network within and outside the family.
  • We model to our child that we have people we can turn to when we need help and we seek out help when we need it.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We support our child to make friends and help them understand appropriate and inappropriate touch.
  • We talk to our child about their feelings and emotions and explore how to manage these. We model ways of managing uncomfortable feelings within appropriate boundaries.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We use the correct language around bullying and support professionals with any concerns.
  • We remind our child of the importance of turn taking and in getting on after falling out.
  • We support our child to make friends and help them understand appropriate and inappropriate touch.
  • We help our child to develop a close supportive network and provide opportunities for them to stay in touch with those people.
  • We create opportunities for our child to play kindly with others and to ask for help if they need it.
  • We create opportunities for our child to behave appropriately when out in the community, and model good behaviour ourselves.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We remind our child of the importance of turn taking and in getting on after falling out.
  • We support our child to make friends and help them understand appropriate and inappropriate touch.
  • We create opportunities for our child to make new friendships and spend time with their friends.
  • We talk with our child about relationships and help them to understand relationships beyond friends and family.
  • We work with our child to help them understand diversity and that everyone has qualities and strengths.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: