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Be Active

How can I support my child to be active…

  • We ensure that our child has a healthy sleep routine and sleeping pattern.
  • We encourage our child to have a break from mobile phones, television screens and tablets before bedtime.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We provide support for our child to keep healthy physically and mentally.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We provide a range of activities for our child to develop their gross and fine motor skills.
  • We encourage our child to try a new activity and pastime. We model enjoying pastimes of our own.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We support our children to play games by the rules and to show respect to others when taking part in team games.
  • We support our child to learn new skills, take part in games and play with others in a safe way.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We support our children to play games by the rules and to show respect to others when taking part in team games.
  • We support our child to learn new skills, take part in games and play with others in a safe way.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We encourage our child to keep going and to persevere when taking part in something new.
  • We help give time for our child to see their friends outside school.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We help give time for our child to see their friends outside school.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We give our child opportunities to take part in new things that help to keep them healthy.
  • We make time for our child to be outdoors, trying new things and experiencing new skills.
  • We encourage our child to keep going and to persevere when taking part in something new.
  • We support our child to learn new skills, take part in games and play with others in a safe way.
  • We encourage our child to try a new activity and pastime. We model enjoying pastimes of our own.
  • We support our child to undertake pastimes that interest them, even if these may differ from things that may usually be expected.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We give our child opportunities to take part in new things that help to keep them healthy.
  • We make time for our child to be outdoors, trying new things and experiencing new skills.
  • We provide support for our child to keep healthy physically and mentally.
  • We ensure that our child has a healthy sleep routine and sleeping pattern.
  • We encourage our child to have a break from mobile phones, television screens and tablets before bedtime.
  • We ensure that our child has access to the foods required for a balanced diet. We provide safe opportunities to practice safe and practical healthy food preparation and cooking skills.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We give our child opportunities to take part in new things that help to keep them healthy.
  • We make time for our child to be outdoors, trying new things and experiencing new skills.
  • We help give time for our child to see their friends outside school.
  • We support our child to learn new skills, take part in games and play with others in a safe way.
  • We encourage our child to try a new activity and pastime. We model enjoying pastimes of our own.
  • We support our child to undertake pastimes that interest them, even if these may differ from things that may usually be expected.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: