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“Now I am in control. When I was smoking, I may as well have gone out and burned money in the garden...”

Alice says she feels healthier, has better skin, and is saving hundreds of pounds a month since she quit smoking.

The 61-year-old, from Prestatyn, started at school – and was smoking between 15 and 20 a day when she gave up with the support of Help Me Quit in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

She says the “fantastic” one-to-one phone support she received helped her take control and build confidence.

“I had wanted to quit for quite a while,” Alice says. “I got to the stage where it was getting ridiculous and I was not enjoying it.

“I wanted to stop. Enough was just enough. It was just the right time.”


I just thought, ‘what’s the point?’

Alice is an early-morning regular at the gym and a qualified aerial fitness instructor – and says she knows it made no sense for her to also be a smoker.

“I am so into my fitness, I just thought what’s the point in me smoking?!” she says. “I find I can do much more without getting out of breath. I can go further, and do more cardio.

“And my bank account has money in it now! Now I am in control. When I was smoking, I may as well have gone out and burned money in the garden.”


Just do it

“From the first contact, Help Me Quit has just been so helpful and useful,” Alice says.

“My advisor was fantastic. There was encouragement on every call, and she congratulated me every time.

“She told me that I didn’t have to go back to the habit, and that I was in control. It is just what I wanted to hear – it’s such a boost.

“I’d say just do it. I know so many others that Help Me Quit has worked for as well.

“The benefits for me are my health, looks and money – I feel better, and I know I don’t smell of smoke.”