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Robin Volunteer

Join our Robin Volunteer programme today

Our hospital volunteer scheme is going from strength to strength in our local community hospitals and acute hospitals across North Wales. The Robin Volunteers (nick-named the Robins because of their bright red polo shirts) are renowned for their friendly nature and willingness to help others. Robins are befrienders and prepare hot and cold drinks for patients; check water jugs; spend time in general conversation; provide a reading/writing service where appropriate; go on errands to the hospital shop; assist nursing staff with bed making; help with storage of supplies and tidying patients’ lockers amongst other duties. Some Robin’s can offer a signposting service too.

Contact us

North West Wales
Hospitals in Gwynedd and Anglesey

Hannah Coles
Phone: 07789855924

Central North Wales
Hospitals in Conwy and Denbighshire

Owain Rowlands
Phone: 01745 448 740 / 07977 148 476

North East Wales
Hospitals in Wrexham and Flintshire

Julie Parry
Phone: 03000 848397  / 07977 689449

Volunteers Manager
James Johnson
Phone: 01978 727 16407880 044 213