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Pharmacies can provide expert advice and guidance about treating common ailments, conditions and their symptoms, including:

  • thrush
  • ring worm
  • minor cuts
  • upset stomach
  • dental pain
  • repeat prescriptions
  • emergency contraception

Appointments are not always needed but you might be asked to wait or pop back if they are busy. Many pharmacies are open outside of usual hours and into the evenings. 

Before visiting your GP, we would suggest speaking with your pharmacist, they can help decide if you should see a doctor and can provide you with other information about other health services.

Did you know that some pharmacies offer emergency supply services if you accidently run out of your repeat prescription and are unable to get a prescription from your GP surgery.  They also offer emergency hormonal contraception services, flu vaccination and smoking cessation support.


Be Prepared for Winter 

Pharmacies can assist with providing advice and guidance on a range of minor illnesses and conditions this winter and avoid unnecessary visits to hospital. Pharmacists can assess the condition, provide self-care advice and, if necessary, prescribe antibiotics. This service aims to reduce the pressure on GP services and hospitals this Winter and ensures patients receive timely care.