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Advice for people visiting our Hospitals - As the sustained pressures on health and care services continue across North Wales and the country, we have to try to limit the spread of viruses, such as flu, Norovirus and COVID-19, in our hospitals over the winter months. Read the full statement

Visiting times

Hospital visiting hours are from 10am to 8pm.

Our visiting is as flexible as possible, but there should be a limit of two visitors at the bed-space at any one time unless there are exceptional circumstances, this decision is at the discretion of the Ward Manager. Please check directly with the ward before your first visit. 

Please be aware that visiting restrictions may be implemented at short notice in response to infections or outbreaks, to protect our patients, visitors, and staff. 

Paediatric units 

  • Both parents or primary care givers have unrestricted access during the day to stay with their child on the unit/ ward.(only one parent at night)
  • Siblings can visit however only 2 persons around the cot/bed space one of which should be a parent

Neonatal units 

  • If the parent cannot attend the Neonatal unit they can nominate a person of their choice
  • Only 2 persons around the cot space one of which should be a parent
  • Siblings to visit alongside the parents to promote the BFI and Fi acre standards
  • Twice daily visiting times for extended family, please check with the unit for further information
  • In the event of any infection prevention outbreak to revert back to only parents to be present on the unit with their baby

Maternity units

  • Birth: Up to two birth partners can be present during active labour
  • Open visiting: A single birth partner or other nominated person if the birth partner is unable to attend, can visit the antenatal/ postnatal wards at any time between 9am to 8pm daily, no booking is required. Siblings of the baby are also welcome to attend along with the single birth partner or other nominated person during this time to meet their new family member(s).
  • Rest time: Between 12pm to 2pm we aim to give mums and babies time to rest and we ask that single birth partners and nominated persons who are in attendance, respect this time.
  • General visiting: General visiting is from 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 8pm (no booking is required), for up to two visitors at any one time at the bedside unless there are special circumstances. The limit on the number of people allowed at the bedside remains to protect our patients, babies, staff and other visitors. 
  • Established labour, attending theatre and emergency caesarean sections: Up to two birth partners can attend with their partner when they are in active labour. Only a single birth partner can attend theatre for an elective or emergency caesarean section. Children under the age of 16 will not be permitted in the inpatient area unless they are a sibling of the new baby.
  • Appointments: A single birth partner or nominated other can attend the following appointments: Antenatal Clinics in a hospital setting, Consultant Antenatal Clinics in hospitals and other community health care settings, all Obstetrics scan appointments (ultrasounds) also in hospitals and other community health care settings and the Maternity Outpatient Assessment Unit and Early Labour Assessment Unit
  • Home births: We provide support for those wishing to have a home birth, please discuss this with your community midwife.