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Trans and Gender Diverse Voice

A Speech & Language Therapist (SLT) can support trans individuals to explore their voice and communication so that it better aligns with their gender. Trans is an umbrella term including non-binary and people across the gender spectrum.

The SLT service for Trans voice in BCUHB is a virtual, remote service. Appointments are carried out on an online video platform. This means you can access appointments conveniently and from a place of privacy and safety. If you have any concerns about this, please get in touch.

Who is the service for?

· We accept referrals from trans and non-binary people over the age of 18 within the Betsi Cadwalader Health Board Area.

· Service-users should have had contact with or have been referred to specialist gender services at some point in their life.

· Service-users seeing SLT as their first or only point of contact might require signposting and GP referral to the WGS, even if they are not seeking medical transition. This enables us to provide appropriate support.

How to Refer

· You can self-refer to the service in BCUHB by calling our admin department on - 03000 848 166

· You can also be referred by a gender clinic or another health professional.