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Radiology Breast Imaging Service

The most commonly used breast imaging tests are mammograms, ultrasound and breast MRI. You may have one or more of these tests during your visit to gain as much information that is required.


A mammogram is the name for a specialised X-ray of the breast which shows small details of the breast tissue. Each breast, in turn, will be placed on to the X-ray machine and firmly compressed by a clear plate. The pressure on your breast may feel uncomfortable but is only applied for a short period of time while the X-ray is taken and is released immediately afterwards.

Compression is needed to keep the breast still and to get the clearest picture with the lowest amount of radiation possible. Usually two images are taken of each breast but it may be necessary to take further images to achieve all the information we require. 

Mammograms are carried out by mammographers, female radiographers that have been specially trained to perform this examination.


This test is painless. A special gel is spread over the breast and/ or the axilla (armpit) and a small device, which emits sound waves, is moved gently over the targeted area. The sound waves are converted into a visual image.

Breast MRI

MRI scans use strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of inside the body.

For a breast MRI, you will lie face down inside a narrow tube. Sensors capture information to create a more detailed image of the tissues inside your breasts. The test is painless, but can be uncomfortable for people who don't like enclosed spaces.

Needle Core Biopsy

Sometimes it may be necessary to take a tissue sample of an area within the breast and/ or axilla to gain more information. A local anaesthetic will be given to numb the area where the biopsy is to be done. The procedure may be performed using the equipment above to guide the specialist to the area. The sample will be sent for analysis and the result will be available in a few days and you will be contacted accordingly.

You will be able to go home after the procedure. Your breast may ache and may be bruised later. You may take simple painkillers if needed for example paracetamol but do not take aspirin.

All your tests will be carried out by speciality trained health practitioners and clinicians and will try to make your visit as pleasant as possible, offer advice as required, ensuring your test is carried out to the highest standard.

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