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Family and Friends

Visitors are welcome at our hospital – more information on visiting arrangements can be found on our Visiting pages. 

Visitors have an important role in the surgical journey and recovery of our patients.  It is a worrying time when a loved one has been told they may need surgery or have been admitted to hospital.

Many people are unsure how to support their loved ones through their surgical journey.  It is important to speak to your loved one about this.  As healthcare professionals we are bound by a professional code to preserve our patients confidentiality and think sensitively about what we can share.

However we seek to include our patient’s friends and family where appropriate and when a patient has expressed a wish for their loved ones to be involved.

For many of our patients, it is vitally important for their family and friends to be involved in their surgical journey.  However some of our patients would rather their loved ones were not involved in their medical care as they may see this as a personal journey.  We have to respect these wishes if they are conveyed to us.