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What is Continuing NHS Healthcare?

Continuing NHS Healthcare (also known as CHC) is a package of care which is arranged and funded solely by the NHS for adult individuals who have been assessed as having a primary health need. You can receive continuing healthcare in any setting, including your own home or a care home that can safely and sustainably meet your assessed needs. Continuing NHS Healthcare is free for your assessed needs, unlike help from social services for which a financial charge may be made depending on your income and savings.

Who is eligible for Continuing NHS Healthcare?

Anyone assessed as having a certain level of care need may receive CHC. It is not dependent on a particular disease, diagnosis or condition, or on who provides the care or where that care is provided. If your overall care needs show that your primary care need is a health need, you may be eligible for CHC. Once eligible for CHC, your care will be funded by the NHS however this is subject to review and should your care needs change the funding arrangements may also change.

Information about Continuing NHS Healthcare

The Welsh Government have developed leaflets designed to help and guide staff, the person and family members through the CHC process used to determine eligibility.

Easy Read booklets

The Welsh Government’s national Framework for CHC, sets out their policy for eligibility for CHC, the responsibilities of NHS organisations and local authorities under the Framework and related matters. It sets out a process for the NHS, working together with local authority partners, to assess health needs, decide on eligibility for CHC and provide appropriate care. The purpose of the Framework is to provide a consistent foundation for assessing, commissioning and providing CHC for adults across Wales. The national Framework can be found here.

The archived 2014 CHC Framework can be found here.

If you have any queries concerning Continuing NHS Healthcare, please contact the appropriate Continuing Healthcare Team on:

Wrexham and Flintshire 

Email Address:


Conwy and Denbighshire

Email Address:

03000 855 568
03000 856 392

Gwynedd and Anglesey

Email Address:

03000 851 761
03000 852 681

Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Division

Email Address:

03000 852 675
03000 852 676

Children and Young Peoples’ Continuing Care

NHS Continuing Care is support provided for children and young people under 18 who need a tailored package of care because of their disability, an accident or ongoing illness. It is different from Continuing NHS Healthcare, which can be provided to adults who have severe or complex health needs.

The main difference is that while Continuing Healthcare for adults focuses mainly on health and care needs, continuing care for a child or young person should also consider their physical, emotional and intellectual development as they move towards adulthood.

This means that if your child is assessed for NHS Continuing Care, it is likely that a range of organisations will be involved, such as health, education and local authority children’s services. These different agencies will contribute to your child’s care package if they are found to have continuing care needs.

If you think your child should be assessed for NHS Continuing Care, talk to a health or social care professional who works with them and they will make a referral if appropriate.

If you have any queries about children and young people’s Continuing Care, please contact:

Older people’s rights in care homes

The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales has launched a guide for older people, which provides crucial information about their rights when moving into and living in a care home.

This guide helps older people and their families to better understand the rights they have, what they can do if they are concerned that their rights are not being upheld, and details of organisations that can provide help and support, including the Commissioner’s own advice and assistance team.

Further information can be found on the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales website.

NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Assessment for Eligibility Process Survey

This survey asks questions about your experience of the NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC) assessment for eligibility process. Give your feedback by completing our survey