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Who can request help from CAMHS?

  • A request can be made by a GP or any professional working with children, young people and families e.g. schools, social services, health visitors, children’s centres. The child or young person must be between 0 and 18 years and whose permanent address is normally in North Wales.  


  • A request is recorded on a “Specialist CAMHS Access Request Form” which is completed by the referrer or administration team receiving the request. 


  • CAMHS are unable to accept direct referrals from parents/carers or young people. 


  • If you are aged 0-18 years and are concerned about your mental health, try to talk to a family member or carer, or someone you trust in school, college or somewhere else that you go, If you don’t feel able to talk to anyone you know, but could make an appointment to see your GP, tell them how you are feeling.


  • If you are a parent or carer and have concerns about a child or young person’s mental health, contact their GP, School, Social Services, Health Visitor, School Nurse, Community Paediatrician or Children’s Centre to discuss your concerns, and what help is on offer, Any of these people can make a referral to CAMHS if needed.