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Wellbeing Self-Evaluation Tool

Understanding your feelings and when to seek support

It is common to experience periods of psychological distress following a diagnosis of cancer. It can be difficult to know if your feelings are a typical reaction or something more serious.

Use the traffic light system below to identify which light represents how you are feeling now and whether you need to seek support.


 Seek Support 

Seek Support – If any of these difficulties are present, please seek urgent support from your GP or other relevant health professional.

  • Feeling overwhelmed, stuck and unable to function most of the time most days
  • Noticing significant changes in mood or level of worry
  • Concerns about your ability to manage your feelings
  • Feeling alone and unable to share your feelings with family or friends
  • Feelings of hopelessness, despair or numbness
  • Significant changes in sleeping, eating or other aspects of daily functioning
  • Thoughts about harming yourself or others
  • Suicidal thoughts about ending your life


 Consider Support 

Consider Support – You are likely to benefit from support to improve your wellbeing. Consider discussing your support with any health professional involved in your care.

  • Difficulty motivating yourself and managing day to day life
  • Limited engagement with meaningful activity and relationships
  • Fluctuating feelings such as worry, fear, low mood, frustration
    or anger that feel unmanageable
  • Feeling stuck and overwhelmed by your feelings some of the time
  • Thoughts about wanting to find new ways to manage your feelings



Continue – ‘If you feel able to manage difficult feelings that arise, continue to use strategies that help. You may want to consider support should this change.

  • Engagement with meaningful activity and relationships
  • Setting yourself manageable and achievable daily goals
  • Fluctuating feelings such as worry, fear, low mood, frustration or anger that feel manageable
  • Using helpful strategies to manage and improve your wellbeing

The Wellbeing Self-evaluation Tool above was created by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and has been adapted for the BCUHB website.

Useful resources and information:

The advice on these pages is designed to help you prepare for the treatment ahead and support you through to recovery.

If you need further advice and support please discuss this with your key worker or healthcare professional.