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Mandy Hughes


Mandy’s career began 34 years ago as a healthcare support worker in a mental health assessment and respite unit.

She was seconded to do more adult learning and gained a first class honours degree before taking a role in Glan Clwyd Hospital’s emergency department (ED).

Within 18-months, Mandy gained a 28-hour contract within the community nursing team, while retaining 10 hours in the ED.

She said it was “fabulous” to be able to transfer skills between both roles.

Mandy moved full-time into community nursing and gained her Specialist Practice Qualification (SPQ) before being promoted to team leader within Abergele community nursing team.

Her work was recognised at the prestigious Nursing Times Awards in 2020, where she was crowned Team Manager of the Year.

Alongside her career progression, Mandy has long recognised the need for representation and support for nurses and is now a nurse advocate, providing peer support to her colleagues in District nursing.

Mandy is one of two full-time professionals trained to deliver and advocate for the A-EQUIP model which was first introduced in 2016 for midwifery.

The role supports the culture of compassionate leadership and supports staff through continuous improvement

The aim is to build personal and professional resilience - and support staff through professional development.

“As a team we have taken more than 650 restorative, clinical and supervisory sessions across Betsi Cadwaladr,” she revealed. “It gives staff the opportunity to reflect and feel supported and valued.

“A lot of the work we are doing is supporting the newly qualified nurses in that transition from education to clinical practice.

“We have developed a training programme for clinical supervision for district nurses, which will improve recruitment and retention and increase motivation and accountability.

“The scheme improves well-being and reduces sickness, as well as increasing job satisfaction, as well as promoting communication and a culture in which people we care for feel valued.

It’s something Mandy feels should be extended to all nursing colleagues.

She is delighted she has been awarded the title of Queen’s Nurse. She said: “It’s something that I have always wanted. It is such a lengthy process and demonstrates the value of what we do in the community – and how we make a difference.

“I think it’s a fantastic thing for Betsi to have so many nurses winning this award, as there are only around 2,500 with the Queen’s Nurse classification in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.”