23 May 2022
Changes have been made to neonatal and paediatrics visiting arrangements across North Wales following an update to national guidance on COVID-19 infection prevention and control.
These changes include attending antenatal and postnatal appointments in community and hospital clinics, ultrasound scans during pregnancy and visiting in hospital maternity wards/departments.
All visits will be by booked appointment only and on arrival the nominated visitor will be assessed for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. This is in order to keep our patients, babies, staff and visitors safe.
As there is still a risk of infection rates changing in the community these arrangements will be reviewed weekly so people are advised to check with the ward or department before visiting.
You can find full details about the revised visiting arrangements on our website.
To request further information on how we assess maternity visiting arrangements, you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) through our website.