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Our Welsh Language Training Team becomes the first to receive a national special recognition award


The Health Board’s Welsh Language Team has received the Work Welsh Employer of the Year 2024 award from the National Centre for Learning Welsh at a recent celebration event.

The team was recognised for its strategic planning, which stood out as excellent, and their innovative and forward-thinking approach to ensure there are Welsh language learning opportunities for the workforce, which has a real impact on patients.

This was the first time the National Centre for Learning Welsh has held such an event and the awards were presented at the Park Plaza Hotel in Cardiff.

Eleri Hughes-Jones, Head of Welsh Language Services, said: “We were delighted to receive the commendation award which was given due to our strategic planning approach to take the scheme forward by continuously supporting our staff to progress their Welsh language skills to provide language-appropriate care to patients.

“Increasing our capacity to be able to offer services in a patient’s language of choice is important for us, and ensures that we support national strategies to deliver on this. The team have gone the extra mile to encourage our staff to become new Welsh speakers, enabling them to use their skills to offer our patients language choice.

“It is a pleasure to work with the National Centre for Learning Welsh and we look forward to continuing our partnership working with them.

“Three members of staff attended the event in Cardiff to receive this special award. It was also an opportunity to network with other organisations and providers and share good practice.”

Dona Lewis, Chief Executive at the National Centre for Learning Welsh, said: “Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board was among the first organisations to take part in the Centre’s pioneering scheme, Work Welsh.

“The aim of the scheme is to strengthen Welsh language skills in the workplace, and the Health Board has gone the extra mile in embracing the Learn Welsh opportunities offered as part of the scheme. They are very deserving of the special recognition as the Work Welsh Employer of the Year 2024. 

“It’s a pleasure to work with the Board, and to see the increase in the numbers speaking and using the language in their all-important work with patients.  Llongyfarchiadau – many congratulations to the team, and we look forward to continuing this important partnership.”

Since 2017, the Health Board has received funding and worked alongside Work Welsh to enhance the Welsh training provision available to staff, in addition to its two Welsh language tutors. 

Working with Work Welsh has enabled the team to offer online Welsh training, both taster courses and full courses, enable Welsh learners to attend residential courses at Nant Gwrtheyrn and employ a full time Welsh Learners Support Officer.