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LEGO scanner helps prepare young patients for tests at Ysbyty Gwynedd

22 May 2024

A new model building is helping to prepare young hospital patients for their scans at Ysbyty Gwynedd.

CT scanners are large, heavy and noisy – so unsurprisingly lots of children get scared about having a scan.

But now to help them get used to the real thing, youngsters at Ysbyty Gwynedd can play and learn from the fun LEGO model so that they know more about what to expect when having a scan.

The model has working parts, including the scanner which opens up and a moving table so that staff can use the little LEGO characters to help children understand what will happen at their appointment.

Seven-year-old Gary Griffiths was the first child to test the new model out before his CT scan.

His mum, Charlana Davies, said: “Gary was a bit nervous before his scan but this model really helped as he could see what was going to happen.

“It’s great as children can see exactly how the room is set up before they go in which definitely helps ease any anxiety.”

The model was generously donated from LEGO to the hospital, organised through Paediatric Clinical Psychologist Dr Liz Whitehead.

She said: “A lot of children who are having a scan can be incredibly nervous;  being able to prepare them beforehand as to what to expect and being able to talk through what will happen, and answer their questions makes things a lot less worrying for the child.

“This is a really useful model to have as it has proved really useful in reassuring them and demystifying the whole process.

“We are really grateful to LEGO for this donation and I’m sure it will make a huge difference to our youngest patients who require a scan.”