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The survey is now closed

Between the 15 September to 27 October 2021, you helped us to shape our plan by sharing your experiences and comments on our goals and priorities, thank you. If you have any other questions please send an email.

The pandemic has worsened inequalities for people with protected characteristics and those who are economically disadvantaged. It is more important than ever that we address these inequalities, reduce barriers to accessing services, and make reasonable adjustments to support better health.  Our equality objectives are set out in the Health Boards Strategic Equality Plan.

In Living Healthier, Staying Well, the promotion of equality and human rights was agreed as an underpinning principle for delivering our long term goals.

This means:

  • Identifying and addressing barriers to accessing services
  • Providing culturally appropriate services
  • Making reasonable adjustments and working towards improved outcomes for people from protected characteristic groups and those with lived experience of stark inequalities.

The Strategic Equality Plan outlines key areas of focus, for example, implementation of the Race Equality Action Plan: An Anti-racist Wales. We know that Covid-19 has worsened many inequalities for people with protected characteristics and those who are socio-economically disadvantaged. The evidence shows that older people, people from ethnic minority backgrounds and some disabled people in particular have been affected. It is now more important than ever that equality and socio-economic considerations are placed at the heart of our work and that we create opportunities for your voice to influence our plans.