Sleep is rest time for the brain and, in turn the body. It is a state of altered consciousness where the activity of certain senses is reduced. It allows us to heal and refresh.
Everyone knows the feeling of staying up too late and feeling groggy the next morning. You become irritable, perhaps a bit forgetful, your reactions and thinking are dimmed and you can be a bit clumsy. You might reach for the wrong foods to give you a boost, lack motivation and feel a little fed-up.
For some people with neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD, sleep can be a real problem. Cerebra, a charity which advocates for children with brain conditions, has a sleep advice service
It seems like a really simple question to answer. If you’re awake half of the night, it’s a pretty good indication you’re not sleeping enough.
It goes without saying, if you suffer from a medical condition which inhibits your sleep, you must follow the advice of your GP or consultant in managing your condition.