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Promote, Prevent and Prepare Charter

What can you expect from self care while you prepare for treatment:

  • Promote health decisions and lifestyles to reduce the risk of developing illness
  • Know what to do to Prevent your condition getting worse
  • Prepare for your treatment to be a success

The Principles


  • Information is accessible to me, and my individual communications needs are met
  • I know that my referral has been received and what waiting list I am on
  • I can choose how services communicate with me
  • I know how I can access information on what support is available to me whilst waiting via the self care while you prepare for treatment on the Health Board's website
  • I can access up-to-date information about my waiting time
  • I can let the team know if my symptoms and my situation are getting better or getting worse


  • I understand the options available to me about my treatment and how to get support.
  • I have access to an advocate if necessary.
  • I have received enough information to help me make informed decisions about my care and support.
  • I have clear information about what is expected to prepare for my treatment and recovery.
  • I have enough information, understanding and support to be confident as an equal partner in my own care.


  • I have access to clear information and education, including what support is available in my community to help my own self-management
  • I have an awareness of the different treatment options available to me
  • I can access and understand the information signposted to me
  • I can provide feedback in a format of my choice about the services I have used and if they have made a difference
  • I understand the reasons why I need to provide information and feedback and I know what it will be used for

Standards we abide by

As a Health Board we will maintain the following standards, visit our website for more information: