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Self-care while you prepare for treatment

Welcome to this dedicated section on our website aimed at providing support and information to people awaiting appointments, surgery and treatment, as well as their caregivers. Here, you'll discover information, advice and resources tailored to offer guidance and assistance during the waiting period. Whether you're seeking advice on coping with pain, support or practical tips, we're here to help you every step of the way. Our aim is to ensure that you feel supported and informed throughout your patient journey towards better health.

This service is only for patients who are on the general surgery, trauma and orthopaedics lists and returning patients from the tertiary, ophthalmology and dermatology clinics.

If you are a patient on a waiting list for treatment (the criteria is listed in the blue information box above), or you know someone who needs support whilst they are waiting, the Self Care Team can help. 

We will

  • Provide support and advice on managing your health and keeping healthy
  • Discuss what matters to you and signpost referrals to other health care or community based services
  • Review your situation while you are on the waiting list and provide additional support that could help improve your quality of life and independence 
  • Help you take control over your condition whilst you are waiting
  • Provide reassurance and advice on what you can do if your symptoms deteriorate

Promote, Prevent and Prepare Services Charter