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Every winter, we hear stories of hospital wards being closed due to Norovirus or the 'winter vomiting bug' as it is also known. 

The ideal environment for this virus to spread is any place where there are large numbers of people, which is why outbreaks are particularly common in hospitals, schools, nursing homes and cruise ships.

Did you know?

  • Norovirus can occur at any time of the year
  • It is a virus and the most common cause of stomach bugs (gastroenteritis)
  • Norovirus are not killed by antibiotics which are only effective against bacterial infections
  • Anti-diarrhoea medicines should not be used as it may prolong the illness by preventing the elimination of the virus
  • You are infectious from the moment you first feel ill until two days after you feel better

You can catch Norovirus through: 

  • Contact with an infected person
  • Touching contaminated surfaces or objects
  • Contaminated food and drink i.e. unwashed shellfish

Whilst it may not always be possible to avoid the infection, there are simple steps that we all can take to reduce the risk of spread: 

  • Stay at home and avoid contact with other people until 48 hours after your symptoms have cleared. If you have an underlying health condition such as diabetes or renal disease, you must contact your doctor immediately by phone, or if it is out of hours, contact the North Wales GP Out of Hours Service on 0300 123 5566 or NHS 111 Wales  on 0845 46 47
  • If your symptoms persist beyond 4 days or you start to feel worse, contact NHS 111 Wales  on 0845 46 47. Don't expose others by visiting your GP or Emergency Department (A&E)
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap and warm running water (especially after using the toilet or before handling food)
  • Avoid food preparation
  • The explosive nature of the symptoms means that the virus may contaminate adjacent surfaces.  Toilets and their surroundings, for example flush handles and taps, should be disinfected frequently. If you have more than one toilet, use the nearest and ask non-affected members of the household to use the other
  • Soiled bedding, towels and clothing should be washed using the hottest temperature the fabric will tolerate
  • Crockery and utensils should be machine washed or carefully washed by hand
  • Kitchens should be kept scrupulously clean
  • Food stuffs should be cooked thoroughly and raw fruit and vegetables washed before eating