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How can I support my child to give…

  • We support our child in playing alongside to playing with other children and model sharing.

Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing:

  • We create opportunities and spaces for our child to relax and model calming down for our children.
  • We are positive role models for our child, showing kindness and gratitude to others.
  • We create opportunities and spaces for our child to relax and model calming down for our children.
  • We support our child to show care and compassion to people, other living things and the planet.
  • We are positive role models for our child, showing kindness and gratitude to others.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: 

  • We create opportunities for our child to take turns, to share and to help others.
  • We create opportunities for our child to take turns, to share and to help others.
  • We have rules, routines and timetables for household activities and we provide rewards for our child’s contributions.


Connections to other parts of five ways to wellbeing: