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Adolescence can be a challenging time for many young people as move from childhood towards adulthood. Support them to develop their identity and understand their own values and beliefs; help them recognise that these can be different to others.  Act as their role model by encouraging them to show empathy, understanding and compassion towards others.

Help your child to be aware of their rights and responsibilities, that their actions have consequences and the importance of respecting themselves and others. Encourage your child to make choices that keep themselves and their friends safe, in both the real and virtual worlds.  Help them understand peer pressure and how to make their own decisions.  Support them to recognise and develop healthy relationships and know where to turn for help if they need it. 

Encourage them to make healthy choices for their physical and mental wellbeing, including developing a positive body image.  Support them to understand their emotions.  

Encourage your child to set personal goals and develop aspirations for their future; help them understand how to achieve these.  Support them to explore their own interests and develop support networks and build friendships. 

Please click below to find out more.  Remember that one activity, such as playing with your child, often means you’ve achieved many of the five ways to wellbeing through a single activity.  Examples of activities include:

Doing five ways to wellbeing doesn’t need to cost anything.  It’s more about being present in the moment (putting the phone to one side for a few a minutes) and giving your child your time and attention. 

Allow your child to Connect with their friends and Be Active outside of school.  Encourage them to Keep Learning through technology whilst keeping safe online. Give your time and ask how they’re feeling. Take Notice of your child’s goals and aspirations for the future and encourage them.  

Be Active
Keep Learning
Take Notice