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Children develop at different rates and development of children may vary in the age categories below.

As part of the Regional Integrated Children’s Services Board, an Emotional Health and Wellbeing Resilience Framework has been created. It has been developed to be very much centred around the ‘what’ we can do to support children and young people, leaving the ‘how’ we can achieve it up to the relevant individual, trusted adult or support services.

The design process has been thorough, engaging colleagues from education, children’s services and health services as well as young people, parents and carers and third sector representatives. In addition, it has been taken through a robust, independent peer challenge review process with service users and wider stakeholders to ensure its relevance, accessibility and usability.

The key themes within the Five Ways to Wellbeing (Be Active, Keep Learning, Connect, Take Notice, Give) have been used to group the aspects of the framework to show the thinking and discussion that has developed the structure of the framework. It has been broken down into the following age ranges to show how the child or young person may typically build this resilience over time: