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You and your baby

This information includes useful health advice to support you and your baby. Becoming a new parent can be a both exciting and overwhelming.

Find out some tips, advice and guidance to help build your confidence as a new parent:

Skin to Skin

Skin to skin contact with your baby after the birth helps your baby move safely from the womb to the world and starts your new relationship. 

Neonatal Service

The Sub-regional Neonatal Intensive Care Centre (SuRNICC) is the largest neonatal unit in North Wales and supports two Special Care Baby Units in Wrexham and Bangor.  We aim to deliver the highest quality care for our very special patients and their families. 


All the information you may need to make an informed decision about feeding your baby and who may support you with that decision.

Breast care and breast health in pregnancy

It is important to be ‘breast aware’ during pregnancy and if you notice any unusual changes in your breasts to discuss with your midwife or GP.

Bottle feeding

Information and advice on infant formula and responsive bottle feeding

A healthy diet for you and your baby

Eating well can help you recover from the birth and give you energy to care for your new baby.

Contraception after having a baby

Conversations about contraception choices usually happens soon after the birth of a baby during routine postnatal checks. 

Perineal Tears

It is possible for a woman’s perineum to tear during birth. These tears can be anything from a simple graze to a deeper tear that may need stitching to repair it.

Pelvic floor exercises

Everyone can benefit from doing pelvic floor exercises.  

Care of your Caesarean section wound following the birth of your baby

Useful advice to reduce the chances of infection following a caesarean section. 

Self-help tips to support you becoming a new parent

Here are some useful self-help tips to support you becoming a new parent. 

Children, Young People and Family Health Services

Information on School Nursing, Health Visitors, Flying Start, Paediatric Continence and Looked After Children Services. 

Coping with your baby crying

Helping you to keep calm and soothe your baby. 

Perinatal Mental Health Hub

The emotional and mental health and well-being of women and their children, partner and families from pregnancy to 1 year following birth of child.

Solihull Approach - Free online courses for parents and carers |Free access courses and resources in emotional health, child development and parent wellbeing

Vaccinations for babies
Healthy Start Scheme

If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. Families also receive free vitamin supplements through the scheme.

Infant feeding - Introducing your baby to solid foods

Make an informed decision about feeding your baby.

Tiny Tums Best Practice Award

The award, managed by NHS Public Health Dietitians, recognises and rewards excellence in settings for providing food and drink for both 0-1s and 1-4 years that meet Welsh Government guidance.

Designed to smile - Oral health

Designed to Smile is a national programme to improve the oral health of children in Wales. 

Keeping your baby safe

We understand that you want to keep your baby as safe as possible. 

Epilepsy and baby safety

Understanding your epilepsy and knowing what possible triggers for seizures are can help you put in some safety measures to lower risks for you and your baby.

Children and Young People

Speech and language therapists work with children, their families and health and education professionals in a variety of settings which include community clinics, hospitals, mainstream and special schools, nurseries, and family homes.

Family Information Services (FIS)

Family Information Services (FIS) are the first point of contact for advice and information on local services for families and carers.

Parenting. Give it time

Free practical tips and expert advice for all your parenting challenges from Welsh Government.

Your Growing Baby - Digital Book

Useful information and advice to help you understand your baby’s world. Digital book by Public Health Wales.

Your Toddler - Digital Book

Useful information and advice to help you understand your toddler’s world. Digital book by Public Health Wales.

Supporting with pregnancy, birth and beyond

This information is for dads, partners and family members who are supporting someone through pregnancy, birth and beyond. 

Maternity Voices

Brings together local women and their partners who have recently had a baby. 

Five Ways to Wellbeing

Five simple things we can all do to give our wellbeing a boost. Information for adults, children and young people.

Learning Disabilities

A learning disability is a significant, lifelong condition that starts before adulthood, which affects a person’s development

Teulu Cymru: support for families in Wales

Being a parent is the most rewarding job in the world but it can sometimes be the hardest. We’re here to help and hopefully make things that little bit easier

Being active

Being active is really important for our health and wellbeing.