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Waiting until six months to introduce solids foods is recommended, and it will be safer for you baby and easier as you can use soft finger foods or mashed foods (there is no need to puree) and there is no need to sterilise bowls and spoons. 

As your baby grows so does their stomach. When you start to give your baby solid food, you should be giving "me sized" portions, some people suggest using the baby's fist as a guide for how much they need. 

*If after checking with your health visitor or doctor, you decide to introduce solid foods before 6 months, you should avoid giving your baby certain foods. These include foods that contain wheat, gluten, nuts, peanuts, peanut products, seeds, liver, eggs, fish, shellfish, cows’ milk and soft or unpasteurised cheese.

Public Health Wales Here’s further reading and helpful advice on Introducing Solid Foods by Every Child Wales.

Tips and signs for feeding your baby:

Useful information and resources

If you have read of the sections on introducing solids to your baby and want to learn more below is a list of sources of further information: