Pam Wenger was appointed as our Director of Corporate Governance in April 2024.
Our Corporate Governance Directorate has been established under Pam’s leadership and brings together the governance, risk, compliance, and legal functions. The Directorate’s aims and ambitions are to deliver a high-quality corporate service that enables good governance and decision-making at the heart of everything we do for the population of North Wales.
Pam is a highly regarded Chartered Governance Professional whose extensive expertise spans 30 years working as a Director of Governance for the NHS in both Wales and England. Prior to joining us, Pam was the Board Secretary at Cygnet Health Care, where she was able to explore wider governance opportunities and utilise her considerable skills in the independent sector too.
Pam is passionate about people development. As a coach and mentor, she has supported and developed many colleagues over the years to enable them to be the best they can be.
Pam has succeeded and is continually proud to collaboratively develop cultures that embody an organisation’s values and standards of behaviour. Pam is a keen advocate of ‘Speaking Up’ and was instrumental in establishing the network of Freedom to Speak Up Ambassadors in her role as Trust Secretary at University Hospital Bristol Foundation NHS Trust.
Pam is well used to juggling her personal and professional life; she undertook all her professional qualifications part-time while working full-time. In her spare time, Pam enjoys being in nature, walking, and travelling.