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Archived - Strategy, Partnerships and Population Health Committee

BCUHB's Strategy, Partnerships and Population Health Committee was established as a committee of the Health Board  on 1.3.16, following the Board's decision on Strengthening Board Governance and Business Standards at the February 2016 Health Board meeting.                 
Committee Chair: Mrs Lyn Meadows (Chair)
Committee Vice Chair: Prof Nichola Callow 
Committee Independent Members:  Mr John Cunliffe & Mrs Linda Tomos 
Lead Executive:  
Secretariat: Diane Davies can be contacted via 
Terms of Reference v6.0 September 2020
The Committee's annual report for 2020-21 is available here
Meetings of the Strategy, Partnerships and Population Health Committee will be held on the following dates and papers can be accessed  via the links below when available:
Agenda & papers  to August 2021 Approved minutes


12.8.21 Agenda v1.0

Final meeting 

Approved minutes 12.8.21

17.6.21 Revised agenda V4.0 Approved minutes 17.6.21
15.4.21 Revised agenda v2.0

Approved minutes 15.4.21

Note: The agenda was revised on the day of the meeting due to virtual technical issues. 

23.2.21 Updated Agenda Approved minutes 23.2.21
10.12.20 Agenda  Approved minutes 10.12.20
1.10.20 Agenda Approved minutes 1.10.20
13.8.20 Agenda 

Approved minutes 13.8.20

9.6.20 Agenda 

(revised 3.6.20)

Approved minutes

Meeting cancelled

As a consequence of the ongoing and developing Covid-19 situation, the Chair has taken  the decision to stand down the meeting.  Future dates will be published and confirmed via these web pages.

5.3.20 revised agenda uploaded 3.3.20

(amended date)

Approved minutes 
3.12.19 Approved minutes
1.10.19 Approved minutes
3.9.19 (amended date) Approved minutes
4.7.19 (amended date and venue) Approved minutes
2.4.19 Approved minutes
5.2.19 Approved minutes
 For previous minutes and papers, please contact the relevant Secretariat as named above