Jane is our Executive Director of Public Health, responsible for protecting and improving the health of people in North Wales. The aim of public health is to keep people healthy and improve health outcomes for all members of the community, including those communities and groups which have the poorest health outcomes. It is also involved in protecting the population from population health risks, for example from infectious disease outbreaks.
In addition, Jane is the executive director responsible for Emergency Planning, Resilience and Recovery. The aim is to maximise the health and well-being of the people of North Wales.
Our preventative work is delivered through four key programmes:
We work with partners inside and outside the health board to develop whole systems approaches to improving health and wellbeing that tackle variation in health outcomes, improve the ability of health and other services to address population need, and protect those who are most vulnerable against existing, new and emerging population health risks.
Jane previously worked in NHS Commissioning bodies in England as a Director focusing on reducing health inequalities, improving population health intelligence, and delivering effective strategic transformation. During Covid she was the EPRR Director for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care System where she co-ordinated the health system response to Covid. Before this she was Director of Prevention and Wellbeing for the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) where she led work on initiating and developing the health agenda within the WMCA. She has also worked at a local level as Director of Public Health in Coventry (developing the first ever Marmot City), and in London (including developing the NHS North East London EPRR plans for the 2012 Olympics) and has undertaken a number of national and regional NHS roles in England including Director of Quality and Patient Safety in the Department of Health, and one of the Deputy Directors of Public Health for London. A strong focus across her career has been on Health Inequalities and the use of data and evidence to support effective decision making and the development, delivery and evaluation of services.