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A Recipe for kindness

We asked children and young people ‘What is Kindness’?

Qualities & Values of Kindness: 

  • Being caring and caring for people
  • Being supportive
  • Being respectful and showing respect
  • Being nice
  • Being loved/ love

Actions of Kindness: 

  • Being helpful and helping others
  • Feeling happy
  • Actions of kindness and specific behaviours
  • Giving to others and sharing
  • Empowering and supporting confidence

Things that matter: 

  • Specific actions of kindness are important to smaller children such as caring and physical affection such as hugs, However, older young people prefer these actions to be using manners, talking, listening and feeling happy.
  • Children and young people want to feel respected and be respectful. Modelling behaviour helps everyone to value each other.
  • Be open to change and include young people in decision making.
  • Children and young people want to share physical, social and emotional acts of kindness with others. This includes understanding and learning, happiness and empathy. ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup’
  • Children and young people value time with others. By giving time we can demonstrate our support.

Things that made us think: So many children and young people recognised kindness through body language and non-verbal behaviour and ques. It made us think...that glance at a watch during a session, or that look to your phone….. it is all getting picked up on! It reinforced to us the importance of being present in the moment and enjoying the time we have with young people, recognising it is our privilege.