Clare Budden has significant work experience in Local Authorities and Housing Associations, both in England and Wales. Her current role is as CEO of ClwydAlyn. Clare is Chair of the Health Board’s Stakeholder Reference Group.
ClwydAlyn is a Housing Association which owns 6300 homes across North Wales; employs 750 staff and owns and manages Care Homes and Extra Care Housing for older people, housing and support services for people who have been homeless; and social and affordable homes for people who just need somewhere good to live. ClwydAlyn’s mission is to work with others to beat poverty and the Association has a values-based approach to all its work.
Her most recent Local Authority experience was as Chief Officer at Flintshire Council with responsibility for Housing, the Economy and Regeneration, Revenues and Benefits and Customer Services. Whist there, she established the first Local Authority owned housing company in Wales with a significant new build programme; and led a culture and performance change programme which transformed the council’s previously poor reputation as a housing provider to being recognised as one of the best in Wales.
Clare is the chair of 2025; which is a “social movement” of people from all sectors, who have come together to fight avoidable inequality in health and housing in North Wales. She was recently a member of the Welsh Government Transformation Advisory Board; which provided advice to the NHS CEO on transformation in health and social care; and is currently a member of the Welsh Government Housing Support National Advisory Board; (working to end homelessness in Wales). She is also the Vice Chair of the North Wales and Mersey Dee Business Council.
She is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing and has a postgraduate qualification in Housing.
Clare is proud to be Welsh and is a mum of four; living close to where she was brought up in North Wales.